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Image by Mark Stoop

(News & knowledge-sharing)


Just as wild hornbills disperse seeds around the rainforest as keystone species, 'The Hornbill' knowledge-sharing space will sow the seeds of knowledge between sanctuaries and rescue centers in Asia and the across the  globe.  


We aim to help sanctuaries and rescue centers (SARCs) share the immense knowledge and experience that they have developed through their work. By sharing news, member profiles, new publications, and exciting developments from SARCs around Asia, we hope to inform, inspire and provide a catalyst for conversations about animal welfare and SARC issues. 

Please let us know about any topics or issues you would like to learn more about.  We will endeavour to help fill those gaps and link SARCs to appropriate and relevant information.  Please email the SARCC coordinator at 

For more news and posts from across the AfA network and working groups please visit the Asia for Animals news page


















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